Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - June 2012

Minutes - Board Meeting 14 June 2012

Joy Liddicoat (Chair), Michael Foley, David Farrar, Andy Linton, Kenneth Johnston, Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

3. DNCL Work plan

The Board noted and discussed the current work plan. Requirements under the Statement of Expectations are covered by various projects on the work plan but it was agreed to include the specific SoE requirements on the document to ensure they are met.

4. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports for the months of March and April. It was agreed to ask NZRS for a formal explanation in respect of the zone file issue in March.

Michael Foley was thanked for the comprehensive review of the ICANN meeting in San Jose in the March report. The DNC was thanked for her reports.

5. Amendments to the Authorisation Agreement

The Board approved the amendments to the Authorisation Agreement, and noted that these amendments will take effect one month after formal notification to Registrars of the change.

Changes to the Connection Agreement by NZRS will be notified at the same time, and the two notifications will be published during the week beginning 18 June 2012.

6. Application

The application was considered against the Second Level Domains policy. The Directors were asked to confirm that they did not have a conflict of interest in dealing with the application, and all directors did so.

The Board discussed the application itself, and the submissions received. The submissions received during the consultation showed no clear consensus of views - with some clearly opposed and others clearly supportive of the proposal.

For a new second level domain to be created within .nz, the criteria defined in the policy need to be met. The application needed to meet each of the five criteria specified in the policy and each was discussed separately, then the application discussed as a whole. There was consensus that the application meets all the criteria of the current policy.

The Board therefore:
- Noted the submissions received in the consultation
- Noted that the current policy includes an expectation that the second level domain can be created if it meets the defined criteria
- Agreed that the application meets the criteria for creating a new second level domain
- Agreed that a paper be prepared for the next InternetNZ Council meeting setting out the DNCL recommendations.

7. Audit

Mary Tovey, Accounting Technician joined the meeting for this agenda item. The Audit report and Management Reports were discussed. An unqualified audit opinion was received.

Mary and Laura were thanked for their work preparing for the Audit.

8. Registrations at the second level consultation

The Board noted the high number of submissions received during the early part of the consultation period. A decision matrix will be prepared and discussed at the next Board meeting.

9. Chair Update

No items that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

10. Any Other Business

Next meeting 15 August

All Boards Strategy Day currently proposed for 12 September

October Council date may be rescheduled.

Meeting closed 12.27pm.

DNC news