Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - June 2018

Present: Jordan Carter (Chair), Adam Hunt, Lucy Elwood.

In Attendance: Brent Carey (Domain Name Commissioner), Laura Turnbull (Minute taker) 

Apologies: Lucy Elwood (first part of the meeting) 

1.    Register of Interests

The Chair updated his register of interests with the following: 

  • Chief Executive of InternetNZ
  • .nz Domain Name Holder
  • Appointed member of the Digital Economy and Ministerial Advisory Group. |

2.    Minutes of the Last meeting 

The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record. 

3.    Chair Update

The Chair provided an update to the Board on InternetNZ’s current activities, noting that they are currently in the process of triaging priorities from the structural review and working on the broader group strategy.  Another key priority is working on updating the policies and constitution before the AGM in July. 

The Chair noted that a communication protocol needs to be put in place for the Domain Name Commissioner to enable a direct line of contact to either the Board or Council when required.

The .nz Policy Committee’s inaugural meeting will take place on Friday 22nd of June 2018. The following Council members were appointed to the Committee Kelly Buehler, Keith Davidson, Joy Liddicoat and Kate Pearce.  The first meeting will be focused on developing a Terms of Reference and commencing work to review to review the .nz strategy framework. 

4.    Operations Update - Commissioner 

The Commissioner provided an update to the Board on the operations of the DNCL office.  He noted that the new Enquiries Officer position had been filled and the new employee was due to start this month.  

The team are looking at how to improve how DNCL is telling the story, especially with our role at first contact with Registrants. The new ticketing system is assisting us with collecting this information. Adam noted he was really pleased to see this information coming through. 

Lucy Elwood joined the meeting at 11.03am

The draft annual report was presented to the Board and a discussion was had around the sequencing and sign off for the annual report to ensure that it is completed in time for the AGM. The final sign off for the annual report will take place via email. 

The Registry Advisory Group (RAG) is going to start meeting quarterly instead of annually.  The Commissioner noted that he was pleased with this change as it will help to develop better relationships with Registrars and provide us with the opportunity to communicate our messages to Registrars more frequently. 

The Commissioner noted that DNCL has been active in the media recently with the signed MOU with the CERT being announced. DNCL has reached out to the law society and is currently in discussions to provide a CPD module for domain names. 

The Board thanked the Commissioner for his update. 

5.    GDPR, IRPO and .nz Update 

The Commissioner provided the Board with a brief update, the Board thanked the Commissioner for this update. 

6.    End of 2017/18 financials and letter to auditors 

There was a brief discussion regarding the Audit. The 2017/18 financials were approved by the Board. 

7.    Health and Safety

There were no incidents to report. 

8.    Any Other Business

The Commissioner requested that the Board grant access for our new contact at Izard Weston to have access to DNCL’s company key to the Companies office.  The Board approved this request. 

9.    Dates of Future Meetings

The next meeting will take place at 10am on the 28th September 2018. 

The meeting closed at 12:00pm.

DNC news