Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - August 2013

Minutes - Board Meeting 23 August 2013


David Farrar, Joy Liddicoat, Kenneth Johnston, Michael Foley (by video link), Andy Linton (by video link), Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie, Hamish MacEwan (observer), Don Gould (observer).

David Farrar was nominated for Chair of the Board by Kenneth Johnston, who then chaired the discussion for this item. The nomination was seconded by Andy Linton. David Farrar was unanimously appointed as the new Chair of the Domain Name Commission Limited Board.

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

3. DNCL Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan. Two policies, the Authorisation of Registrars Process, and the Privacy Policy are due for review. Consultation papers for these policy reviews will be drafted, with the Board considering these by email. Once approved, the consultations will begin.

4. .nz Update

The new NZRS .nz site, is now live. DNCL Communications Advisor, Patrick Watson is working with NZRS on the content to ensure that it stays current. Few queries have been received from the site, to date.

There was a discussion around how to handle .nz related matters arising on the InternetNZ members' list and it was agreed that any issues coming up in that will be noted in this .nz update agenda item. The Board noted that it was its role to be accountable to the whole Internet Community.

5. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports for the months of June and July.

All action points from the June report have been followed up. The Board discussed the report on the Wellington Earthquake provided in the July report. It was agreed that the safety of the staff is the priority at all times.

The DNC was thanked for her reports.

6. Capital expenditure

The Board approved the recommendation for capital expenditure to provide DRS software.

7. Registrations at the Second Level

The Board had discussed its criteria for decision making at an earlier meeting, and the paper provided therefore addressed these criteria. During a wide-ranging discussion, the Board considered the submissions received, noting that they provided constructive and useful feedback. In addition, they also considered the way the proposal fits with InternetNZ TLD principles, the RFC obligations to the Local Internet Community and the future direction and strategy for .nz.

The Board moved into Committee and the observers left the room.

The Board approved the recommendation of the DNC on the Registrations at the Second Level proposal and agreed a paper will be presented to the next InternetNZ Council meeting in October. Thanks were given to the DNC and her team for the work done on this project.

The Board came out of Committee and Don Gould rejoined the meeting.

8. Chair update

The Board noted the upcoming InternetNZ strategy meeting scheduled for September, which the Chair and CE will attend for one day. It was noted that it may be appropriate to consider whether a DNCL vice chair should be appointed to assist with the division of duties.

There were no further items to discuss that had not already been addressed elsewhere on the agenda.

9. DNCL .nz Strategy.

The 2013 DNCL .nz Strategy was approved as presented.

10. Any Other Business

It was noted that the Australian IGF is being held 16-17 October in Melbourne, followed by the global IGF in Bali 22-25 October. The ANZIAs are to be held in Wellington on 17 September.

Next meeting 3 October. Meeting dates for 2014 to be confirmed at that meeting.

DNC news