Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - June 2015

Minutes - Board Meeting 18 June 2015

Present: David Farrar (Chair), Lucy Elwood, Adam Hunt, and Kenneth Johnston.

In Attendance: Debbie Monahan, Barry Brailey and Winnie Cummock and Brenda Wallace (Observer)

Apologies: Dave Moskovitz

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising.

3. DNCL Policy Review

The Board noted the proposed time frame for the .nz Policy Framework Review project. The three policy documents and draft consultation paper provided (Proposed .nz Principles and Responsibilities policy, .nz Operations and Procedures policy and amendments to the Policy Development Process) were discussed.

Some minor amendments to the documents were suggested by the Board. It is agreed that the DNC will make the suggested amendments and send the amended version to CE of NZRS for further comments. DNC will forward the finalised version to the Board via email for final approval prior to going to the consultation stage as proposed.

4. Internal policies review timetable

The Board discussed the proposed plan for the ongoing review of the internal policies. It was agreed that the DNC will revise the planned internal policies review timetable and present it to the Board at the next Board meeting in August.

5. Audit Report

The Board noted the report produced by BDO for the year ended 31 March 2015 as well as the supporting documents and signed the Financial Statements and Audit Representation letter.

6. DNC Report

The reports for April and the first part of the May report were taken as read. The DNC was thanked for the reports

Various matters and statistics regarding the .nz domain names were also discussed.

7. DNC Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan.

8. .nz update

The Chair noted that relevant items were discussed earlier in the meeting.

9. Chair update

The Chair confirmed that INZ Council has approved the final version of the InternetNZ strategy document. A proposed combined Board and Staff Strategy Day was also discussed.

The Chair shared his experience of the Director Development training he has just completed with the Institute of Directors. Adam Hunt also stated that he found the training valuable - greatly appreciating the opportunity.

10. Any other business

The Directors were invited to attend NetHui Conference, which will be held in Auckland from 8 July to 10 July.

The Board expressed their thanks to Winnie Cummock for the secretarial services she had provided during her employment and wished her well for her future.

11. NZRS Updates

Jay Daley, Chief Executive of NZRS provided an update of NZRS current activities and projects including the Registrar portal and DNS infrastructure review.

12. Dates Future Meetings

The next Board meeting will be held on Friday, 14 August 2015.

DNC news