Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - May 2014

Minutes - Board Meeting 23 May 2014

Present: David Farrar (Chair), Kenneth Johnston, Joy Liddicoat, Dave Moskovitz, Michael Foley (via video)

Apologies Andy Linton

In Attendance: Debbie Monahan (Domain Name Commissioner), Winnie Cummock (minute taker)

Hamish MacEwan (observer).

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising.

3. DNCL Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan. As part of the ongoing review of .nz policies, DNC informed that three .nz polices (Dispute and Complaints process, Investigations and Inquiries process and Dispute Resolution Service) are due to be reviewed. It was agreed that these should proceed and a paper around the review consultation will be put before the Board at their next meeting.

4. .nz update

DNC provided a general update on activities across .nz including work by NZRS on various initiatives.

5. DNCL Report

March and April reports were taken as read. There were discussions around the growth of domain names, market share information and communications media statistics.

6. Registrations at the second level project

Steven Heath, Project Manager, provided an update on the current status of the second level project as well as the significant activities happened on the project since the last Board meeting. The general time line and potential implementation date were also discussed.

The Board was impressed with the progress and thanks were given to DNC and Steven for the work done on this project.

7. Second Level Domain Policy Review

The changes to the policy approved by the Board at their previous meeting were formally advised on 24 March 2014 with the final date for receiving any new 2LD applications set for 30 April 2014. The DNC advised that no new application for second level domains were received by that date.

8. Internal Policies

Three internal polices were considered by the Board as part of their review of all internal policies. The Credit Card Use policy was approved. Some amendments were proposed to the Risk Management and Chief Executive Remuneration policies. These will be made and the policies will be forwarded to the Board for approval by email.

The Board considered the draft of the Sharing of Information Policy. The policy was approved and formally adopted as a DNCL internal policy by the Board.

9. Evaluation of Business Development Proposal

The Board discussed the proposed approach to DNCL's evaluation of business development proposal. Amendments were proposed to the evaluation document so these will be made and circulated by email to the Board.

10. .nz Framework Review

An update on the Framework Review was provided.

11. Possible Market Regulation Policy

The Board was briefed by the DNC the concept of a possible Market Regulation Policy. Discussions were made around the idea of the possible new policy. The Board support the concept of this and the DNC agreed to report her progress on developing this at the next meeting.

12. Chair Update

The Chair will attend the London ICANN on 22-26 June.

13. Any other business

The DNC will attend the London Commonwealth Domain Name System Forum on 19-20 June, prior to attending the London ICANN.

The Board commented and thanked Andy Linton for his valued contribution to the DNCL for 9 years as a Director of the DNCL Board.

The Board also extended thanks and appreciations to Joy Liddicoat for her continued contributions as member of the Board and congratulated her on her re-appointment as a Director of the DNCL Board.

14. Dates Future Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on Friday, 1 August. Meeting dates for 2015 to be confirmed at that meeting.

DNC news