Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - March 2013

Minutes - Board Meeting 11 March 2013


Joy Liddicoat (Chair), Michael Foley (by video link), David Farrar, Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie, Andy Linton (for item relating to the registrations at the second level proposal), Hamish MacEwan (observer).


Kenneth Johnston

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. It was confirmed that DNCL had advised the InternetNZ Council that there was an appropriate Business Continuity Plan in place. There were no further matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

3. DNCL Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan. The major focus is on the Registrations at the Second Level Proposal. The timetable of policy reviews will be reconsidered at the upcoming strategy meeting.

4. .nz Update

This will now be a standing item on the agenda with a focus on the joint .nz work undertaken with NZRS.
DNCL and NZRS have been producing joint .nz reports to Council this financial year and it is evolving well. The report will also provide an opportunity for .nz to bring items to the attention of Council, where they wish Council to consider them at a strategic level.
The .nz infographic marking 10 years of the shared registry system has been popular. Printed copies are available on request and a number of these have been sent out to a range of people. The DNC provided an update on the awareness and promotion of .nz that NZRS and DNCL are working on collaboratively. The Board noted that this work demonstrated the way each organisation can bring their own perspectives to an initiative and work well together to enhance .nz. NZRS were thanked for their work.

5. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports for the months of November, December and January. The successful collaboration with the Companies Office and their OneCheck service was noted. Financially, DNCL is currently tracking under budget. It was noted that by the end of the year the final result is expected to be close to that forecast in December. The DNC was thanked for her reports.

6. Chair update

The Chair updated the Board on recent discussions with Council and noted that Council has invited the Chairs and Chief Executives of DNCL and NZRS to participate in strategic discussions during Council meetings and that this will become a standing Council agenda item.

7. Update on the Registrations at the Second Level proposal

Item discussed in committee.
The Board discussed the information provided relating to the registrations at the second level policy proposal. The information included a summary of meetings the DNC held with a number of submitters, an analysis of the names conflicted at the third level and a summary of possible amendments to the original proposal based on the submissions received. At the conclusion of the discussion the Board agreed to proceed to a second consultation on the proposal together with the updated information, the rationale for the proposal and amendments that take into account submissions on the initial proposals. It is likely this second consultation will start in May 2013.

8 Any Other Business

A strategy meeting will be held in conjunction with the April Board meeting. Venue to be confirmed.

DNC news