How to submit a reply
Important information and guidance on how to submit a reply is included below. We encourage all parties to read this information before submitting their reply.
There are three communication steps in the dispute resolution process: a complaint, a response, and a reply. You are on the reply page.
You are here as you have the opportunity to reply to a respondent’s submission about a complaint you have made.
Before submitting a reply
Note the timeframe in the correspondence you received from us. You must submit your reply within five (5) working days of the date of the response.
Prepare your final argument for the Expert, by responding to points raised by the current registrant (the respondent). You may only discuss issues that have arisen in the response. Do not introduce any new arguments in the reply. It’s your final opportunity to share your evidence with the Expert.
Write your argument, which can be up to 2,000 words. We recommend you write your argument first in a Word document or another text editor, and save it. You cannot save your response as you go - you need to complete your response in one session.
Gather any additional supporting documentation, such as:
- letterhead and advertising material showing your use of the name
- birth or marriage certificates for personal names
- trademarks or designs registered with the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand or the Companies Offices.
Submitting a reply
The Expert will only be provided with the information that you and the current registrant (the respondent) submit. We encourage parties to submit as much evidence as they can to support their reply.
Submit your reply via our online form.
After submitting a reply
The reply is provided to the current registrant of the domain name (the respondent).
An invoice is issued to you (the complainant), and once payment has been received, we will appoint the Expert.
The Expert receives all documentation and has 10 (ten) working days to issue their decision.
More information about Expert Determination can be found at the following link: Expert Determination Information.