How do I...

Managing your .nz domain name is easier if you know the meaning of technical terms for domain names and namespaces. Read our user guides to understand more and get answers to your questions.
Search for a domain name?
Find out how to search for a domain name’s availability or registration records using our following tools
Transfer my domain?
Find out how to transfer your domain name to another domain name provider (Registrar).
Register a .nz domain name?
Domain names are the building blocks for creating websites and email addresses. The “.nz” at the end of web and email addresses is the country code top-level domain or ccTLD. Holding a ccTLD immediately shows a user your association with a country.
Get an authorisation code (UDAI)?
A domain transfer authorisation (UDAI) code is the key to your domain name. You need to protect your authorisation code and make sure that your provider does not share your authorisation code with anyone else. Learn how to generate or request a UDAI code for your domain name.
Manage my domain name?
We have created this guide which contains some handy information about how to manage your .nz domain name and how to avoid any unnecessary problems that may arise.
Apply privacy to my domain name?
You can apply domain privacy to the visible data in your domain name registration. This protects your personal information in the .nz domain namespace. Find out how.
Validate my details?
The Domain Name Commission regularly validates .nz domain names to ensure that the .nz domain name space remains safe and secure.
Reinstate my domain name?
Find out how to reinstate your domain name when it is in the redemption period.
Register a domain name in the redemption period?
Find out how you can go about registering a domain name that is in the redemption period.
Change a domain name holder?
Find out how to transfer ownership of a .nz domain name (or as it is sometimes referred to performing a change of registrant)
Use Dot the chatbot?
Meet our virtual employee - Dot. Here to help you when it can.
Perform a domain name holder search?
Find out how you can request a search from the Domain Name Commission (DNC) of any domain names that are currently registered to yourself or another registrant (domain name holder).
Request the Zone Data file?
In certain circumstances, .nz zone data may be released to third parties not directly involved in the management of the Registry and/or the .nz domain name space.
Register a conflicted domain name?
Find out more information on this page about conflicted domain names and how to resolve them.
Register a self-conflicted domain name?
A self-conflicted domain name is where the same registrant (yourself) holds all the second level variants of the conflicted domain name.
Change my preference for a conflicted domain name
Find out on this page how to change your preference in regards to a conflicted domain name.
Transfer a domain name registered to a Struck-Off Company
Find out more information on this page about how to transfer a domain name registered to a Struck-Off Company.
Use the Message Delivery Form (MDF)
Find out more information on this page about how to contact a domain name holder with the privacy option applied.
Get information on how much domain names cost?
Find more information on this page about the costs involved in registering a .nz domain name.
Get information on how domain name billing works?
Find more information on this page about the billing cycle of .nz domain names.