Update - .nz registrations at the second level

The Domain Name Commission (DNCL) is consulting with the New Zealand public on a proposal to extend the .nz domain name space by allowing registrations directly at the ‘second-level’. 

Submissions received

The first consultation period closed on 27 September 2012 with 115 submissions received.   Submitters included individuals, registrars, professional and government organisations. 

The high number of submissions indicates that this is a topic of keen interest to many, and the DNCL thanks all those who took the time to make their views known.

All issues raised in the submissions will be considered as part of the DNCL’s decision-making process.   

Summary of submissions

No clear consensus- there was no clear ‘supporting’ or ‘non-supporting’ consensus across the submissions. Some submitters support the proposed change; others do not.

Planned approach -some of those against the proposal are in favour of the DNCL’s planned approach should registrations at the second level go ahead. Other submitters proposed changes to the planned approach.

Impact of change- a number of concerns were raised about the impact of any change. Others were concerned that there was no clear reason given as to why .nz should move away from a system that, at present, is working very well.

Next steps

After reviewing the submissions, the DNCL Board has decided to seek additional information and carry out further research before making a recommendation about registrations at the second level.

As part of this research stage, it is likely that some submitters will be asked to expand on points they have raised and discuss possible solutions.

This work will be carried out over the coming months. In addition, a second consultation round is set down for early 2013.

While this will extend the decision-making process, the Board thinks it important that the proposal and all public submissions are given full and careful consideration.


Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like further information. 

DNC news