Registrar Sanction - Domain Name Management Services Limited
The reason is that GKI’s actions could limit peoples’ choices when seeking .nz domain names.
GKI had been registering .nz domain names to its own name. Some of those domain names were for GKI to speculate on the names’ lease or resale value and not for GKI’s own use. Other domain names had been registered at the request of GKI’s clients and, to protect the clients, should have been registered to the clients’ names.
As a result, the DNC has had to impose sanctions against DNMSL, including directions to DNMSL to change its business practices. This includes changing into the names of clients those .nz domain names that the clients had requested. .nz domain names registered to GKI for speculation (or otherwise not for its own use) have been cancelled.
The DNC has been working with DNMSL for a number of months to encourage DNMSL to update all registrants' details correctly.
Debbie Monahan said: “There must be fair and open competition for access to the .nz register and registry services and it is important that the confidence of registrants in the .nz domain name space is maintained.
“Registrants who approach a registrar or a reseller of registry services must be confident that if they don’t like the price offered for a .nz domain name they can then try another registrar to obtain the name at a better price or on better terms. That system will not work if the registrar or reseller is trying to sell at a profit domain names that it has already registered.”
There are also limits on the extent that a registrar can be linked to a person speculating in domain names.
There are over 350 domain names registered to GKI where DNMSL has not shown that the names were not for speculation. These names have been cancelled and, after the 90 day ‘pending release’ period will be available for public registration.
Ms Monahan invited any person whose registration was requested through DNMSL or GKI, and claims to have been adversely affected, to contact her before the 90 day “pending release period” has expired. It may be that the registration can be restored.
“DNMSL is responsible for ensuring that resellers of its registry services comply with the .nz policies and procedures. Because GKI has not complied with the .nz policies and procedures DNMSL has been held to be in breach,” Ms Monahan said.
The DNC will continue to work with DNMSL so that DNMSL is clear about its obligations under the .nz policies and procedures. The DNC expects that DNMSL and its resellers will comply with all .nz policies and procedures in future.
Any queries should be emailed to [email protected]