Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - July 2017

Minutes – DNCL Board Meeting 10.30am, 27 July 2017

Present: David Farrar (Chair), Adam Hunt, Lucy Elwood, Kenneth Johnston, Dave Moskovitz.

In Attendance: Debbie Monahan, Brent Carey, Cristy Cable

1. Register of Interests

No conflicts were noted for this meeting. The Register of Interests was updated.

2. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were accepted as true and accurate. There were no matters arising.

3. DRS Policy Review

The Disputes Resolution Service (DRS) policy includes a clause introduced when second level domains were introduced into .nz in 2014. Clause 4.3 allows for complaints to be made involving subdomains of a generic term registered at the second level, with clause 4.5 stating that this provision will be reviewed after 2 years of operation of the policy with a decision on retaining it made before the end of the third year of operation. This means that it is time to review clause 4.3. The Board discussed this and agreed a consultation should start in August on whether to continue with the provision for complaints about subdomains of generic second level domains, with the submissions to be considered and a decision made at the September 2017 Board meeting. It was also agreed that a more thorough review of the entire DRS policy will be undertaken in 2018.

4. Internal Policies Review – Human Resources and Code of Conduct

The Board discussed the Human Resources and Code of Conduct policies and agreed the recommendations to readopt both policies, once the minor amendments discussed have been made.

5. Monthly Reports

The monthly reports were tabled and discussed.

6. DNC Work Plan 

The Board noted the work plan.

7. Chair Update

The Chair wanted it noted for the record that the DNCL Board met separately to discuss the Organisational Review and agreed at that time to defer several areas of work which could be impacted by any organisational changes. The Board also agreed to write a group submission for the review, which was duly submitted.

8. Audit and Risk

The Board noted the Auditors report.

9. Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Report was tabled and discussed.

10. Other Business

The Chair raised no updates that had not already been discussed in Board alone time.

11. Dates of Future Meetings

The next Board meeting will be 28 September 2017.

12. Meeting Closed

The Chair closed the meeting at 11:59 am.

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