Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - May 2008

Minutes of the Domain Name Commission Limited BoardTuesday 27 May 2008, 4.30pm


Present: Richard Currey, Andy Linton, David Russell, Joy Liddicoat, Michael Foley, Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie.

Apologies: No apologies were received.

The meeting began with Board alone time. Debbie Monahan and Alison McKenzie joined the meeting at 4.45pm.

Richard opened the meeting and welcomed all to the first meeting of the Domain Name Commission Ltd Board. Particular welcome was extended to Michael Foley, who had not previously been involved with the .nz Oversight Committee.

1. NZRS DNS project

The Board discussed an exchange of letters between the Chair of NZOC/DNCL (Richard Currey) and the Chair of NZRS (Anne Urlwin) regarding the DNS project being undertaken by NZRS. Anne had responded to the concerns expressed by Richard and provided an updated timeframe for concluding the project.

The General Manager (Nick Griffin) and Technical Manager (Dave Baker) from NZRS attended at 5.10pm to discuss their DNS project. Dave provided an update, noting that the project had now received NZRS Board approval and was underway. A timeframe for key milestones was provided to DNCL and there was a general discussion about the approach and risks of the project. It was agreed that the GM would report on milestones for the project within his monthly report to the DNC.

Nick and Dave left the meeting at 5.35pm.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the last NZOC meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda. A round of introductions followed.

Notes from the NZOC strategy day were also discussed and the order of policy reviews was confirmed. The Board discussed the issue of Government acknowledgement of the current arrangements for management of .nz and agreed to raise this formally with INZ.

3. DNCL Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

4. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports covering the months of February, March and April. In response to a question regarding insurance, it was confirmed that appropriate cover had been taken out for the Directors of DNCL. It was agreed that an overview of DRS statistics will be included as part of the monthly report.

The DNC was thanked for her reports.

5. Confirmation of DNCL Internal Policies

The Board approved the internal policies as presented to the meeting. Concern was expressed that some might be too restrictive and the DNC was told to raise the issue with the Board should they impact on the operation of DNCL.

6. Authorisation of Registrars (AOR) Policy Review

After discussion, the Board agreed to a consultation on the AOR reflecting the proposed changes identified by the DNC. It was agreed that the period of requiring an applicant to be a �formal reseller� should be restricted to a maximum of 12 months and that the moratorium on new applications for authorisation should be limited to 2 months.

Given the timeframe to complete the review and lift the application moratorium, the Board agreed to consider any submissions by email or conference call so the review could be completed in the two month time frame.

7. IDN Working Group - oral update

Submissions on the current round of IDN consultation close in mid July. No public submissions have been received to date. There was some discussion around questions raised by a registrar. The DNC commented that these would be put to the Registrar Advisory Group (RAG) in July for their input, together with any submissions received by then. Any comments from the RAG, together with any submissions, would then be considered by the Working Group.

8. Any other business 

  • An application for has been put out for comment.
  • Concern regarding the time it is taking to get operational as it is now 9 months since notification was given that the second level domain had been approved. The DNC will contact the NZ Bankers� Association for an update on their implementation plans.
  • An APNIC meeting is to be held in Christchurch 25-29 August 2008. Andy Linton was planning to attend but will also attend on behalf of DNCL.
  • InternetNZ intends to hold an All Boards meeting, however the date for this had not been confirmed at the time of the meeting. It is anticipated that this will be held in August.

Next meeting of Board is likely to be held in the last week of July, possibly 28th. Meeting date will be confirmed. Meeting closed 7.12pm.

DNC news