Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - October 2008

Minutes of the Domain Name Commission Ltd Board Meeting

Wednesday 22 October 2008, 4.30pm


Present: Richard Currey, Andy Linton, David Russell, Joy Liddicoat, Michael Foley, Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie.

Apologies: No apologies

1. Board alone time.

The meeting began with Board alone time. Debbie Monahan and Alison McKenzie joined the meeting at 4.45pm.

Richard opened the meeting and provided a summary of the recent “All Chairs” and Council meetings held in Wellington on 16 and 17 October to the Board members.

2. DNCL Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate. There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

4. Service Level Agreement

A “track-changes” version of the current iteration of the Service Level Agreement was presented to Board members. Two amendments to section 5 were suggested.

It was agreed that NZRS would be advised of the changes proposed and if they agreed to those the DNC could sign the amended document. It was agreed that this version of the SLA would be in place until 31 March 2009 with the review of DNS and SRS standards to be finalised prior to that date for inclusion in the next version of the SLA.

5. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports covering the months of July, August and September. The Board discussed progress of the DNS Project, and the current investigation of a registrar.

The DNC was thanked for her reports.

6. Work plan

The Board approved the revised work plan as presented, following a discussion of the priority of the various projects planned.

7. Communications Strategy

After discussion, the Board approved the Communications Strategy, noting the inclusion of one additional stakeholder. The Board also approved the DNC working with Creo Communications Ltd to develop a proposal for an “awareness of .nz” campaign, with that proposal to be considered by the Board at its December meeting.

8. Second Level Domain

The second round of consultation resulted in three submissions, all in support of the proposed 2LD. The changes made to the moderation policy by the Ministry of Health have addressed the issues that were identified in the first round of consultation.

The Board agreed to recommend the new 2LD to Council. It was agreed that, should Council approve the creation of, there would be a time limit imposed on the Ministry of Health in getting it operational.

9. Policy Reviews - Disputes and Complaints Process; Investigations and Inquiries Process.

The Board agreed that a consultation on the Disputes and Complaints Process, and the Investigations and Inquiries Process would be undertaken. Submissions received will be discussed by the Board at its December meeting.

10. IDN Working Group - Oral Update.

A meeting of the working group (WG) was held on 16 October 2008. This meeting followed a meeting of the Registrar Advisory Group (RAG) where one of the items discussed was the implementation of IDNs into the .nz space.

RAG raised a number of issues but also acknowledged that .nz registrars should be able to offer non-ASCII domain name registrations. The IDN WG discussed a document drafted as a basis for further meetings with registrars around the IDN implementation. The document works on the basis that all registrars would have to be able to register IDN domain names, but how they set up their processes and systems internally would not be defined. It is expected that meetings with registrars will be set up for later this year.

Next meeting of Board set for 15 December

Meeting closed 7.02pm

DNC news