Enquiry management (2021-2022)

Resolving enquiries is core to the Commission’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of registrants who use .nz authorised registrar services. DNCL aims to resolve each inquiry in a fair and timely manner.

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1448 emails

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415 phone calls

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4,600 total chatbot questions, 1,400 of these were answered by the chatbot without staff intervention.


requests for an authentication code (UDAI)


enquiries regarding how to change/transfer of registrant name.


enquiries regarding struck off companies


enquiries regarding a provider who ceased to operate and had registered user’s names in their own name resulting in 22 transfers


enquiries managed as urgent registration abuse action


enquiries relating to the privacy feature — how to apply or wrongful use by a company. 

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Feedback received:


“Very helpful and customer-oriented service”
“Excellent service. I received a speedy response and action was taken immediately which resolved the problem. It's very reassuring that the DNC is there when needed.”

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