2022-2023 Annual Report

Who are we

Wellington cable car

The Domain Name Commission Limited (DNC) is a subsidiary of InternetNZ and performs a regulatory function to oversee compliance with .nz Rules and operate a dispute resolution service to support our .nz domain name users. The DNC is also a Public Benefit Entity (PBE) with its primary objective to provide services to the community for social benefit rather than for a financial return.

Chair's report

vivien maidaborn

2022-2023 has been a year of change for the Commission: new leadership, new core technology for .nz domains, updated .nz Rules, and new processes. One thing stayed unchanged — the dedication of the DNC team to keep .nz fair for everyone.

Commissioner’s report


I am pleased to publish my first Commissioner’s report having recently joined the dedicated DNC team on 1 May 2023.



domain name registrations, a net increase of 15,957 from 741,157 at the same time last year.


authorised registrars. 42 are incorporated in New Zealand. Four new registrars authorised.


domain names were put through our data validation process, resulting in 199  domains being suspended for failed data validation.


child sexual abuse material-related URLs on .nz domain names were identified through our membership with the Internet Watch Foundation, passed to the DIA for review, and takedown notices actioned. It was 423 CSAM less than a year ago.


domain names with the privacy option applied, an increase of 16,096 from 98,955 at the same time last year.


unresolved conflicted domain names, an 11% reduction from 1,623 unresolved at the same time last year.

icon bank building

36% Financial and insurance services

icon stiletto shoe

26% Retail trade

icon person with a laptop

15% Other [unable to identify a particular industry]

icon cards

23% A mix of the remaining 14 industry classifications

Year in review

April 2022

Conflicted names pilot programme launched utilising the new online disputes resolution pilot platform.

Farewelling Brent Carey from the Commissioner role and celebrating his new role at Netsafe.

May 2022

Isobel Egerton commenced acting as Interim Domain Name Commissioner.

DNC received the Human Resources Director Employer of Choice award (1-99 employees).

June 2022

Celebrated 20 years of having the role of Domain Name Commissioner.

DNC sponsored and judged the Volunteer Wellington annual  Mahi Aroha Award recognising volunteers.

July 2022

DNC and InternetNZ AGM held.

August 2022

DNC presented a webinar for the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand.

100 conflicted names resolved since the Online Dispute Resolution pilot launched.


September 2022

Attendance at ICANN75 in Kuala Lumpur.

October 2022

Vivien Maidaborn joined the Group as Chief Executive of InternetNZ and the new Chair of the Commission’s Board.

DNC’s transparency report published.

November 2022

The new .nz registry went live.

New .nz Rules came into force.

13 new internal procedure documents created for use under the new registry system.

December 2022

DNC conducted the .nz domain names retail price survey takes place, which showed that prices remained steady.

Annual Shopsafe campaign.

January 2023

Internet Watch Foundation figures showed that CSAM abuse reports on .nz domain names have reduced by 42% in 2022.

Mediate.com published our learnings of Online Dispute Resolution.

February 2023

The Head of Technical and Relationships presents to CENTR on the migration to the new .nz registry in 2022.

March 2023

Recruitment for permanent Domain Name Commissioner commenced.

Conflicted names pilot completed.



Ensuring a fair, effective and efficient .nz self regulatory system.


Driving a culture that promotes .nz market participants readiness and ability to comply with expectations set by policy, sound risk management approaches, and broader New Zealand community standards.


Fostering fairer, simpler and contemporary forums for people to resolve complaints with their service providers and disputes with each other.


Driving DNCL’s regulated population to tackle domain name abuse in line with cross sector and jurisdictional commitments to minimise online harm for consumers.


Future proof our organisation and operating model to deliver services and value that matter to our stakeholders and create a fun place to work.


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The Interim Domain Name Commissioner, Isobel Egerton, led the organisation from 2 May 2022 with the Executive Leadership Team of Complaints and Compliance Manager (Dylan Connolly) and Head of Technical and Relationships (Ann Ibrahim). Prior to that, the Domain Name Commissioner was Brent Carey.

The new permanent Domain Name Commissioner, Barbara Pearse, commenced on 1 May 2023. InternetNZ as the shareholder of the DNC, appointed a new permanent Chair of the Commission Board, Vivien Maidaborn, in October 2022 (who is also the permanent InternetNZ Chief Executive). 

Meet the team

Transparency report

MoUs with Government entities.


with other ccTLDs.

No court orders have been served in the financial year or the two years prior. In addition, the DNC has not been named a respondent in proceedings, including proceedings relating to the Harmful Digital Communications Act.


Privacy Act requests for personal information were received.


The Commission did not use its emergency power during the reporting year.


The DNC did not release the zone file during the reporting year.


DNC news