Disputes resolution (2020-2021)

Administered by the Commission, the dispute resolution service is an alternative to litigation and can used when someone wants to dispute a domain name registration as they may have a better claim.
Dispute numbers
Total submissions received.
Of the 25 submissions, there were:
Expert decisions (2 dismissed, 3 transferred, and 3 on-going)
Still on-going
Disputes withdrawn as no fees were paid
Type of relationship between the filing parties in 2021/2021 included: Competitor, Domain Name Speculator, Generic registration (such as two-three letter combos), No relationship, Personal relationship, Tribute/criticism, i.e. fan or critic, Typosquatting, and Web developer.

Forward work with the DRS
In 2020/2021, we completed a project which produced a geographic compendium of precedent value cases. We plan to release the compendium in 2021/22.
We will also be piloting a new online dispute resolution service. Parties will be able to trial negotiation as a service and algorithmic dispute resolution techniques.

Case study: jetcharge.co.nz
Complainant: Jet Charge Pty Ltd
Respondent: EVolution Australia
- Evolution registered domain name 2017.
- Trademark registered by Jet Charge in NZ in 2019.
- Both companies operated in Australia and no evidence Evolution knew Jet Charge would want to use domain name in New Zealand.
- Insufficient evidence of unfair registration and complaint dismissed.

Case study: travelguard.co.nz
Complainant: American International Group, Inc.
Respondent: Donald BH Thomson
Pre-exsisting trademark held by complainant.
Given the well known brand of the complainant it was likely people would believe complainant owned domain name leading to confusion.
Domain name transferred.