Schedule 1 - Policy Development Process
This Schedule sets out the processes that InternetNZ must follow when creating or amending .nz policies.
1. Starting a policy process
1.1. InternetNZ can start a policy process on its own initiative or following a request under clause 1.3.
1.2. In deciding whether to start a policy process, InternetNZ will take into account the .nz Principles, operational needs and the impact not starting a policy process would have on the parties involved in .nz.
1.3. Anybody can contact InternetNZ or DNCL to request:
a. an amendment to the .nz Rules
b. that a part or parts of the .nz Rules be reviewed.
1.4. On receiving a request under clause 1.3, InternetNZ must:
a. publish the request on the InternetNZ website as soon as reasonably practicable
b. decide whether to begin a policy process in response to the request.
2. Policy process
2.1. If InternetNZ decides to begin a policy process, it can adopt any process it considers appropriate, as long as it complies with clauses 3 and 4.
3. Minimum engagement requirements
3.1. If the policy process involves a proposed amendment to any part of the .nz Rules other than the Procedures and Requirements, InternetNZ must ensure that it consults with anybody affected by the proposed change before making final policy decisions.
3.2. If the policy process involves a proposed amendment to the Procedures and Requirements, InternetNZ must notify the public at least 20 working days before the changes come into effect.
3.3. InternetNZ can determine the appropriate scope and process for consultation under clause 3.1 having regard to the nature and circumstances of the policy or amendments being developed.
3.4. InternetNZ must publish any submissions it receives on the InternetNZ website along with any consultation papers.
3.5. The validity of any amendment made to the .nz Rules will not be affected by any perceived or actual flaw in a consultation process.
4. Engagement with Māori
4.1. InternetNZ must inform itself about whether any Māori interests would be affected by any proposed change to the policies.
4.2. If Māori interests would be affected, InternetNZ must determine what level of engagement with Māori is appropriate, having regard to the nature and strength of those interests, balanced against other relevant interests.
4.3. Depending on the nature and strength of the interests involved, the engagement may involve engaging with Māori as part of the consultation in clause 3 or an additional or parallel engagement process.
[Note: this section is to be discussed and will form part of the Māori engagement plan.]
5. Publication of process and decisions
5.1. InternetNZ must make all consultation papers issued and submissions received available on its website.
5.2. InternetNZ must publish the final policy decisions as soon as reasonably practicable after they have been made.
6. Interim Policy
6.1. InternetNZ can urgently amend .nz Rules without following clauses 3 and 4 if InternetNZ determines that circumstances require the amendment immediately to preserve the integrity of the .nz Register or the security, stability or resilience of the DNS (for example, security related issues).
6.2. An amendment made under clause 6.1 must:
a. be identified as an interim policy
b. be reviewed in accordance with this policy as soon as practicable.
6.3. An interim policy still in effect after six months must be reviewed by the InternetNZ Council, unless otherwise agreed by the Council.