News and articles

  1. Case summaries now on-line

    July 06

    We are excited to announce the publication of new resources - the Domain Name Commission’s Case Summaries - to assist parties to understand their rights.

    • Blog Post

  2. New online dispute resolution platform

    March 28

    After a year of planning, learning, developing and testing the Domain Name Commission team are excited to pilot online dispute resolution for disputes relating to domain names.

    • Blog Post

  3. Brent Carey leaving DNC and InternetNZ to become Netsafe CEO

    March 22

    The Domain Name Commission Limited, a subsidiary of InternetNZ, has accepted the resignation of Brent Carey who is stepping down as the Domain Name Commissioner to become the CEO of Netsafe.

    • Blog Post

  4. Online Disputes Resolution — From Dial-up to Fiber

    March 21

    The world continues to change rapidly, and most of us race to keep pace with technological advances.

    • Blog Post

  5. Explaining the domain name aftermarket

    March 01

    You’ve thought of the business name, but what about a domain name? Do you want a domain name for the name of your business? Or one for the industry you’re working in? Or both?

    • Blog Post

  6. Deals Too Good To Be True, are Probably a Scam

    December 23

    Some Tips for Safer Shopping in the .nz domain namespace

    • Blog Post

  7. Domain name prices and hidden fees – Part 2

    November 24

    .nz domain name prices

    • Blog Post

  8. Domain name prices and hidden fees – Part 1

    November 03

    The hidden costs and fees associated with buying and using a .nz domain name.

    • Blog Post

  9. #ShopSafeNZ 2021

    October 18

    Shopping safer in the .nz domain name space. We have launched our the new home for our #ShopSafeNZ tips. 

    • Blog Post

  10. Connecting New Zealand to Oceania and Asia in a hybrid and virtual way

    October 01

    Here are a few of my outtakes from the 2021 Joint Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Name Association and Pacific Internet Governance forum meeting 6-9 September.

    • Blog Post

DNC news