Request for Discussion (RFD) -

InternetNZ, through the Office of the Domain Name Commissioner, is calling for public discussion regarding the request for a new second level domain name (2LD) of ''.

Discussion is open for a period of 60-90 days from 5 December 2002. Discussion will be open for at least 60 days (until 2 February 2003) but the period may end earlier than 90 days (4 March 2003) if, in the opinion of the Domain Name Commissioner, substantive discussion has ceased.

Anyone who is interested in participating in the discussion is encouraged to read the proposal, which can be found at

Obviously the Internet community is free to discuss this application anywhere and at anytime and are encouraged to do so. However, you may wish to subscribe to the discussion mailing list - send an email to [email protected] and put '"subscribe" in the subject line, to see what others are thinking and saying.

For information on the policy of Second Level Domains please refer to

For information on the history of Second Level Domains please refer to

DNC news