Policy Review - Registering, Managing and Cancelling Domain Names

The existing Registering, Managing and Cancelling Domain Names Policy is being reviewed. 

Calls for comment closed on 1 September at midday.

InternetNZ, through the Office of the Domain Name Commissioner, is reviewing the existing Registering, Managing and Cancelling Domain Names Policy. The current policy can be seen at http://dnc.org.nz/content/registering_managing_cancelling.pdf

The Registering, Managing and Cancelling Domain Names (RMC) Policy sets out the general rules regarding the .nz domain name space including registration requirements, the information required to be on the .nz register and the general business processes that .nz operates.

Currently the policy defines such things as:

  • Five day registration and renewal grace periods
  • A maximum registration term of 120 months
  • 90 day pending release period
  • The requirement for registrars to send information to the registrant upon registration, including the UDAI (Unique Domain Authentication ID)
  • Restrictions on when a domain name can be cancelled
  • Locking of .nz domain names

Call for comments closed at midday on Friday 1 September and the submissions are listed below.


The submissions received are available in .pdf and (where possible) .html format.

Iconz Group - .pdf

Karaitiana Taiuru - .pdf | .html

State Services Commission - .pdf

New Zealand Bankers' Association - .pdf | .html


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