Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - February 2014

Minutes - Board Meeting 5 February 2014


David Farrar (Chair), Kenneth Johnston, Joy Liddicoat, Andy Linton, Michael Foley (by video link), Dave Moskovitz (by video link), Debbie Monahan, Alison McKenzie.

1. Register of Interests

No changes to the Register of Interests were required. No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and accurate.

Matters arising

    – The Chair provided a brief update on appointing spokespeople to comment on various matters. This was seen to be important in particular to gTLD matters.

There were no other matters arising that were not covered elsewhere in the agenda.

3. DNCL Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan. There were no items on the work plan that needed further discussion.

4. DNC Reports

The DNC spoke to her reports for November and December. The Board discussed the numbers of connected and authorised registrars, noting that there are around three new applications for authorisation per annum. Applications are processed as they are received. The Board requested a small amount of further information in relation to the registrars be provided in the next monthly report.

The Board asked for clarification of the changes to the proposed ccNSO contribution schedule and the impact of this on .nz. The DNC was thanked for her reports.

5. Registrations at the Second Level project

It was noted that this project was a significant one for DNCL and also NZRS. It has been quite a while since NZRS attended a DNCL Board meeting and it was agreed that they should be invited to the March DNCL Board meeting to discuss the impact that this project was having on them with all their other commitments.

Final Policy Drafts
The Board approved:

    • – The draft RMC policy as per agreed amendments.


    – The draft DRS policy as presented

It was agreed that the policies as approved would be incorporated into the consultation document for the final policy consultation.

Consultation Paper
The Board discussed the timeframes for the consultation, and the documents provided. The Board agreed with the proposed consultation dates, and noted that they will consider any submissions received and make their final decision on the policy at their March meeting. The draft consultation paper, as per agreed amendments, was approved.

Project Plan
The Board noted the Registrations at the Second Level Project Charter.

Proposed amendment to the Second Level Domains (2LD) Policy
The Board discussed the proposed amendments to the 2LD Policy, and agreed that a deadline for applications for new second level domains should be proposed and consulted on as outlined. The draft consultation paper, with an agreed amendment was approved. It was noted that a summary of submissions received would be provided to the Board for discussion at the March meeting.

6. Internal policies

The Board received the consolidated internal policies, and will review some at each meeting, working through the full list annually. For next meeting, the policies to be considered will be Governance, International Travel, and Financial Delegations.

7. Chair's update

No items were raised that had not already been covered under the other agenda items.

8. Any Other Business

The Board discussed the upcoming meeting in relation to International Strategy, and the Business Development proposals put forward by NZRS to Council. It was noted that consultation with DNCL should form an essential part of developing such proposals.

Date of next meeting is 21 March 2014

DNC news