Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) - Second Consultation

The second round of consultation for the IDN project has now closed. Submissions received can be seen here.

Internationalised Domains Names (IDNs) — Second Consultation

Previously, comment has been sought on potential issues associated with the implementation of IDNs in .nz, along with any other issues that the IDN working group (WG) should consider. (Submissions received can be viewed here A meeting of the IDN WG was held on the 18th of February to discuss the submissions we received.

At this meeting the WG agreed that InternetNZ should proceed with the planned implementation of IDNs in .nz. The next phase of the process is to consider the options for how to equitably distribute the registrations of IDN variants of currently registered ASCII domain names in .nz.

To avoid potential disputes during the initial phases of IDN registrations in .nz a policy of a sunrise period for registrations has been suggested. Due to the nature of the Māori language it is impossible to automatically assign IDN variants to current .nz ASCII domain names.

The sunrise period will allow for current .nz registrants to have a chance to register the IDN variants of their ASCII names before open registration of IDNs in .nz are offered.

We are seeking comment on the proposed course of action outlined below.

  • 1. The policies for IDN registrations are in line with the rest of the .nz policies and procedures (which can be viewed at They will express the same values as the core principles of the current system and particularly the "first come, first served" principle (excluding the sunrise period).


  • 2. The cost to register an IDN will be the same as an ASCII .nz domain name.


  • 3. There will be no automatic assignment of IDN variants to current registrants of .nz ASCII names.


  • 4. If current .nz registrants wish to register an IDN variant of their current ASCII names, they must do so during the proposed sunrise period or risk losing the variant to another applicant on a first come first serve basis.


  • 5. Apart from the requirement of current .nz registrants to apply for IDN variants of their ASCII names, there will be no other provisions regarding initial registration principles for IDNs in .nz.

We are now seeking comment on the above planned course of action.

Submissions closed at 5pm on Thursday 17th July. Submissions received are listed at the end of this article.

As per our previous consultation we are seeking comment on the implementation of the five macronised vowels that appear in the Māori language, which are ā, ē, ī, ō and ū.


Ngā Ingoa Tomeina ki te Ao (IDN) — Whitiwhitinga Kōrero Tuarua

I whai mātou i ngā whakaaro me ngā kōrero mō ngā take tērā ka pā mai ki te whakatinanatanga o ngā IDN ki Aotearoa, tae atu ki ētahi atu take hei whakaarotanga ake mā te rōpū mahi (WG) a IDN. (Ka taea ngā tono te mātaki i Ka tu te hui a te WG a IDN ā te rā 19 o Pēpuere ki te kōrero mō ngā tono kua tae mai.

I tēnei hui ka whakaae te WG a IDN kia haere tonu ngā mahi whakatinana i ngā IDN ki Aotearoa nei. Ko te mahi ka whai, kia wananga he aha ngā whiriwhiringa mō te toha tika i ngā rēhitatanga o ngā momo IDN ki ngā ingoa tomeina ASCII .nz

Hei karo i ngā tautohetohe tērā ka tū i te whakakuhuna o IDN ki Aotearoa, kua ara te kōrero kia tū tētahi kaupapa here mō tētahi wā sunrise. Nā runga i te āhua ake o te reo Māori, e kore e tareka te whakawhiwhi noa i ngā momo IDN ki ngā ingoa tomeina o ngā ingoa ASCII .nz.

Mā te wā sunrise ka whai wā te hunga rēhita .nz ki te rēhita i te momo IDN o ā rātou ingoa ASCII hei mua i te whakatuwheratanga o ngā IDN ki Aotearoa whānui.

Kei te whai whakaaro mātou mō ngā mahi ka whai iho nei.

  • 1. Kei te hāngai ngā kaupapa here mō te rēhita IDN ki ērā o ngā kaupapa here me ngā whakahaere mō .nz (taea ai ēnei te mātaki i Ka takoto ki reira ngā uara me ngā mātāpono taketake o te pūnaha o tēnei wā, tae atu ki te mātāpono 'koia ka tuatahi, koia ka whiwhi' (i waho atu i te wā sunrise).


  • 2. Ka rite te utu ki te rēhita IDN ki te utu rēhita mō te ingoa tomeina nz ASCII.


  • 3. Ka ratoa noatia ngā momo IDN ki te hunga kei te rēhita i te ingoa tomeina ASCII .nz.


  • 4. Ki te pīrangi tētahi kairēhita .nz te rēhita i tētahi momo ingoa IDN o tā rātou ingoa ASCII, me tono rātou i te wā sunrise, kei riro te ingoa ki kaitono kē i runga i taua tikanga 'koia ka tuatahi koia ka whiwhi'.
  • 5. I tua atu i te kawenga kia tono ngā kairēhita .nz mō tētahi ingoa IDN o tō rātou ingoa ASCII, kāore he ritenga i tua atu mō te rēhita tuatahi mō ngā IDN ki .nz.

Kei te rapu mātou i ngā whakaaro mō ēnei mahi.


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