IDN Sunrise Registration Policy - Consultation
Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) — Sunrise Registration Policy Consultation
Draft Policy for Sunrise Registration Period
Previously, comment has been sought on potential issues associated with the implementation of IDNs in .nz, along with any other issues that the IDN working group (WG) should consider. (Submissions received can be viewed here). Following this a second round of consultation (submissions seen here) was held to seek comment on a proposed course of action and on the idea of a sunrise registration period.
Based on submissions received and on input from the IDN WG a decision was made to hold a sunrise registration period for IDNs. The sunrise registration period will be held to help avoid potential disputes during the initial phases of IDN registrations in .nz. Due to the nature of the Māori language it is impossible to automatically assign IDN variants to current .nz ASCII domain names.
A policy outlining the rationale, requirements and process for this initial registration period has been drafted and we are now seeking comment on the proposed policy. The draft policy can be viewed in either .html or .pdf. A Māori translation of the policy is also available in .html or .pdf forms.
The sunrise period will allow for current .nz registrants to have a chance to register the IDN variants of their ASCII names before open registration of IDNs in .nz are offered.
Submissions closed at 5pm on Monday 24th August.
Huinga pū īngoa kua Whakatūwheratia ki te Ao - Runanga
Tuhinga Tuatahi mo te Kaupapa mō te wa Rēhitatanga I raro I a Sunrise
Kua rapaina mātou etahi kōrero mō nga kaupapa e pa ana ki te whakahaere I nga IDNs I .nz, me ētahi atu kaupapa e whai ana te Rōpu Mahi (WG). (Kei konei nga whakahoki tono). I muri mai i hoki tuarua anō (kei konei nga whakahoki tono) ki te whai atu nga whakaaro mo te whakatū tēnei kaupapa, me te ahuatanga o te wā rēhitatanga a sunrise.
Na nga whakahoki tono nei, me nga kōrero a te rōpu mahi, mai I te IDN WG, ka whakaaro matou kia whakatuwheratia te wa rēhitatanga a sunrise mo nga IDNs. Ka whakahaeretia te wā rēhitatanga a sunrise kia kauparetia nga pakanga kei hēpu, I te wā timatanga o nga rēhitatanga IDN I te .nz. No te āhua tonu o Te Reo Māori, e kore e tāea ki te whakatau mahi noa nga IDN rerekē ki te .nz ASCII huinga pū īngoa o inaianei.
Kua tuhia te kaupapa e whakamārama ana te pūtake, nga whakaritenga, me te whakahaere mo te wā tuatahi mo te rēhitatanga. Kei te rapa matou nga whakaaro mo te kaupapa kua mārohitia. Ka kitea te tuhinga tuatahi o te kaupapa I te html, I te pdf.
Ka whai wā nga Kai Rēhita o .nz ki te rēhita o ratou īngoa ASCII I raro I te IDN rerekē I mua I te whakatūwheratanga o nga IDNs I .nz.
Translated by Vapi Kupenga (Maori Licensed Interpreter 1974) May 2009
Submissions Eva Jones .html | .pdf AJ Park .html | .pdf New Zealand Institute of Patent Attorneys .pdf