Application for a new 2LD -

An application has been received to create a new, moderated second level domain (2LD) –

A copy of the application, and the proposed moderation policy, can be seen at

A text version is also available at

Comments are sought on the application, and on the moderation policy that will be used to accept registrations. In particular, comment is sought on how the application met the criteria for a new 2LD, namely that the 2LD:

• Represents an identifiable, significant community of interest; where ‘significant’ can mean either quantitatively or qualitatively and the community of interest can be defined in a clear written statement
• Represents an on-going and long-lived community of interest
• Does not conflict with, duplicate or cause confusion about, any existing 2LD, and is a useful addition to the current DNS hierarchy
• Uses a name to represent the domain that is a obvious derivative of a word that properly describes the community of interest or a complete word
• Does not bring the .nz domain name space into disrepute

Submissions received are published below.

Request for submissions closed at midday on Thursday 29th March 2007.


Alick Wilson - .html - .pdf

Ministry of Economic Development - .html - .pdf

Richard Thomas - .html - .pdf

Tim Price - .html - .pdf

Jacob Doherty - .html - .pdf

David Farrar - .html - .pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs - .pdf

Hon. Max Bradford - .html - .pdf

Matthew Ensoll - .html - .pdf

Jeremy Poff - .html - .pdf

Chris Gleason - .html - .pdf

Spiro Harvey - .html - .pdf

Kate Macdonald - .html - .pdf

David Bonne - .html - .pdf

Jamie Baddeley - .html - .pdf

Reserve Bank of New Zealand - .pdf

New Zealand Association of Credit Unions - .html - .pdf

Keith Davidson - .html - .pdf

Federation of Financial Institutions - .pdf

State Services Commission - .pdf

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