.nz WHOIS review

DNCL is undertaking a review of the current .nz WHOIS policy and how it operates.  This is being undertaken in two stages with the first consultation having recently been concluded and the second stage commencing with this notification.

First stage

For the first stage of the review, DNCL sought submissions on why registrant data should, or should not, be collected and then accessible by way of a WHOIS search.  A total of 24 submissions were received and these, along with the consultation paper, can be seen at http://dnc.org.nz/story/nz-whois-review.

There was general agreement from those making submissions that data relating to the registration of a .nz domain name should be collected as many identified the benefits of being able to determine who the registrant of a .nz domain name was. 

Though a number of submissions supported the current practice of enabling all registrant information to be displayed in a WHOIS search, there were other submitters who commented that there may be merit in not displaying all information in certain circumstances, for example when the registrant is an individual not engaged in trade. 

A number of submissions acknowledged that if some registrant information was withheld from publication there would need to be a process put in place to ensure those with a legitimate need to access the information could obtain it. 

DNCL will further analyse and consider the submissions that were provided in response to the first stage of consultation.  While we are doing this work, we are also asking for feedback on a second stage of consultation.

Second stage

This second stage of consultation focuses on the "how" and "what" of WHOIS.  In particular, we are seeking comment on the information disclosed in response to a WHOIS search, who disclosures should be made to and how information should be provided.

Currently the .nz WHOIS information includes:

  • Registrant contact name and contact details
  • Admin contact name and contact details
  • Technical contact name and contact details
  • Domain name details including date of registration, status and whether the name is locked or DNSSEC signed
  • Name servers
  • Registrar information

(The WHOIS record for dnc.org.nz is included below for your reference.)

There is no provision currently to hide registrant information.  There is also no differentiation on the data provided to different parties with all who undertake a WHOIS query obtaining the same output.

The key question for this second consultation is:

“Should the current range of data continue to be provided for a WHOIS search on the same basis as it is now?”

In considering this, people may want to reflect on how any change may impact them including:

  • Should there be a different approach for registrants who are individuals over where an organisation is the registrant?
  • Should there be a different approach for when the domain name is being used in trade, regardless of whether the registrant is an individual or an organisation?
  • Should the registrant name always be shown but the contact details withheld in certain circumstances?
  • Should registrants be able to hide their identity behind a proxy registration?
  • If any data is withheld from publication on a WHOIS record:
    - what information should be withheld?
    - what should be the criteria to withhold the information?
    - who should decide if a name meets those criteria?
    - what should be the criteria to enable the withheld information to be released?
    - who should decide if an application to obtain the information meets those criteria?

Respondents are also free to comment on any aspect of the .nz WHOIS policy.

Public meetings have been held in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington, along with an online meeting.  Information on these can be read at http://dnc.org.nz/online-meeting.

All comments received for the first round of consultation will also be considered as part of this second stage of the review.

This consultation closes on Friday 29 January 2016.  Submissions should be sent by email to [email protected] or by post to PO Box 11 881, Wellington 6142.  Individuals making submissions may request that their personal details be withheld from publication.

WHOIS output for dnc.org.nz

Originally published Tuesday, 17 November 2015


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