.nz WHOIS Review - First consultation

This consultation closed on Friday, 6 November 2015.

Our current WHOIS provides the public with information regarding the registration of a .nz domain name. Information published includes the registrant’s name and contact details, along with those of the admin and technical contacts, so that the appropriate person can be contacted in respect of the domain name registration and management.

DNCL is undertaking a review of the current WHOIS policy and how it operates. This will be a staged process. For the first consultation we are interested in people’s views as to why there should be a .nz WHOIS service that makes available the information we collect when registering a .nz domain name. This will be followed by a second public consultation, incorporating public meetings, on what information is displayed and how. More details on this second stage will be provided at the conclusion of this first consultation round.

For this first stage of the review we would like to know your views on:

  • Why .nz registrant data should /should not be collected
  • Why .nz registrant data should /should not be publicly available
  • Why the display and availability of .nz registrant data should / should not be the same for all parties
  • Why the current approach does / does not raise concerns for some

More information on the current WHOIS is available here

Submissions setting out your comments on the questions raised above are sought. These can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to PO Box 11881, Wellington 6142. All submissions will be published below as they are received. Individuals making submissions may request that their personal details be withheld from publication. Submissions should be received by 6 November 2015.

Originally published Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Submissions closed on Friday, 6 November 2015.



Ministry of Health pdf

James & Wells pdf

Andrew Brown pdf

Baldwins Intellectual Property pdf

National Library of New Zealand pdf

New Zealand Bankers' Association html | pdf

Office of the Privacy Commissioner pdf

Bruce Clement pdf

Ministry of Education pdf

Serious Fraud Office pdf

5 (details withheld) pdf

Hiria Te Rangi html | pdf

4 (details withheld) html | pdf

3 (details withheld) html | pdf

Ministry of Justice pdf

Glen Robertson html | pdf

2 (details withheld) html | pdf

Crazy Domains html | pdf

1 (details withheld) html | pdf

Jennifer Gore Standiford html | pdf

Leo Duflou html | pdf

Metaname html | pdf

Reuben Jackson html | pdf

Aurynn Shaw html | pdf

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