Proposed new moderated Second Level Domain - Second Consultation
The consultation period for the revised moderation policy for the proposed second level domain has now closed.
Proposed new moderated Second Level Domain - Second Consultation
Previously, comment has been sought on a proposal for a new moderated second level domain, As a result of seeking comments on the application, ten submissions were received. These can be read at The submissions identified some issues with the Ministry of Health's initial moderation policy which were discussed with them. As a result, the moderation policy has been revised, and a further round of consultation is now taking place.
The revisions to the moderation policy include:
- clarification of the eligibility of organisations such as the Health and Disability Commissioner for names;
- a process for the initial allocation of names, and how to manage similar names or abbreviations;
- a mechanism for dealing with objections relating to the allocation of names; and
- criteria for how to remove names from the domain.
We would welcome your views on the revised moderation policy, available at
Submissions closed at midday on Monday 13 October. Submissions were published at as they were received.
Simon Robb .pdf