2LD Policy Review - Proposed New Policy for Comment
The 2LD Working Group (WG) invited comment on a proposed new Second Level Domain Policy.
That policy was drafted following an evaluation of the various options identified by the WG and the comments on those from the people who responded to the previous request for submissions. An overview of the process to date, with links to relevant documents, can be read at http://www.dnc.org.nz/content//2LD_review_overview.html.
The Working Group sought comment on the proposed policy that can be read at http://www.dnc.org.nz/content//proposed_new_2LD_policy.pdf
Key features of the proposed policy include:
- The continued registration of .nz domain names at the third level
- A simpler process for creating new second level domains
- Criteria set for creating new second level domains
- Different processes for creating moderated and open second level domains
Public comment on the proposed policy was sought, and closed on Monday 19 April 2004.
Submissions Received
The submissions which were received are listed below in the order received, with the most recent submission at the top. They are in .pdf and .txt format.
Aotearoa Maori Internet Society - 31 Mar 04 pdf | txt
Rick Shera - 02 Mar 04 pdf | txt