.iwi.nz Moderation Policy Review

The Moderator for .iwi.nz is seeking feedback on a proposed change to the .iwi.nz Moderation Policy. Comments are due by 1 December 2004. Further details are available.InternetNZ, through the Office of the Domain Name Commissioner, is consulting on a proposed amendment to the Moderation Policy for the .iwi.nz Second Level Domain.

"Moderation" is where the ability to register a domain name in a second level domain (such as .iwi.nz or .govt.nz) is restricted to certain sorts of registrants, and/or certain sets of names. A domain where moderation is in force is known as a moderated second level domain.

A moderator is selected to moderate a second level domain, in line with the moderation policy which applies to it. This policy sets out the specific criteria which will be used to judge who may register a domain name, and what name can be registered, in the given second level domain.

This consultation is occurring due to an approach by the moderator for .iwi.nz, Karaitiana Taiuru, seeking a change to the .iwi.nz moderation policy. This change will have a material impact on the policy, because if accepted there will be a change to the types of names that can be registered in .iwi.nz. Names which are not currently able to be registered, will be eligible for registration under the revised policy.

The Moderator's proposal for changing the policy, the proposed new .iwi.nz moderation policy and the existing .iwi.nz moderation policy are available as follows:

Moderator's proposal for changing the policy:

Proposed .iwi moderation policy:

Existing .iwi moderation policy:

You are invited to give your opinion on the changes proposed by the moderator. The .nz Oversight Committee will assess all comments received before deciding whether to accept or reject the proposal.

Public comment on this consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 1 December 2004.

Submissions should be made by email to [email protected] or can be faxed to +64 4 495 2115, or posted to Office of the Domain Name Commissioner, PO Box 11-881, Wellington.

Submissions Received

Submissions received regarding the proposed moderation policy will be listed below, with the most recent submission at the top of the list. They will be available in .pdf and (where possible) .txt format.

Ronald Nepe - .pdf 

Steven Heath - .pdf

Aotearoa Maori Internet Organisation - .pdf 

Tama Nikora - .pdf

Laurence Zwimpfer - .pdf 

Tony Chadwick - .pdf

Alex Nathan - .pdf 

Peter Goldsbury - .pdf 

Grant Huwyler - .pdf 

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