Market activity (2021-2022)

The .nz market in 2021/2022 was again marked by processes of concentration and bulk transfers between entities. Amalgamation activities resulted in some registrars being collapsed together. This work was partly motivated by readiness work in anticipation of the new Registry system. We are active in ensuring that legacy registrars that are no longer operating are retired.
In March 2021, the top four registrars had 51.47% of the market, which was split quite evenly across those four. In March 2022, the top four registrars' percentage ownership of the market rose to 57.27%. These figures treat each registrar brand separately and do not aggregate where there is common ultimate ownership.
2 registrars joined the market this year. A number of registrars have decided to hold off until the new registry platform is in place before they join .nz.
6 authorised registrars exited the market, including some small providers (less than 1500 domain names under management), telecommunications and internet service providers.
In September 2021, we published a blog of interesting insights into our provider market.
We measure market concentration using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). Although increasingly concentrated, the HHI score stands at 956 with scores less than 1,500 indicating a competitive marketplace. An early 2022 survey of a subset of European country code registries showed an average score of 1305.
DNCL analysed data of the country of residence of domain name holders in the .nz space as at November 2021. We learned the following about the country specified as the country address (figures are rounded):
- 82% of domain name holders specify New Zealand;
- 9% of domain name holders specify Australia;
- 3% specify the United States;
- 1.3 % specify GB/UK;
- 5% spread across other countries.
Key market statistics
In 2021/2022, in the .nz domain name space:
- The rate of new .nz domain names being created averaged about 9,120 per month.
- The number of .nz domain names increased by 2.4% compared to the 2020/2021 financial year.
- 64% of the domains created within the 12 months term of 2020/2021 renewed their subscription during the 2021/2022 financial year.
Unlike last year, where we saw uncharacteristic surges in new creates in April, May, and June 2020 (which appeared to be in response to COVID-19 and more people and businesses getting online), creates of domain names were more stable across the year.

Advertised primary retail market prices
The retail median pricing for excluding tax has been relatively stable since 2017:
Dec 2019 - $36.20.
June 2020 - $36.00
December 2020 - $36.00
June 2021 - $39.00
December 2021 - $35.00