Domain Name Commission Limited Board Minutes - December 2013

Minutes – Board Meeting 5 December 2013

David Farrar (Chair), Kenneth Johnston, Dave Moskovitz, Joy Liddicoat, Debbie Monahan, Josh Cookson, Barry Brailey (part)

Michael Foley, Andy Linton

1. Register of Interests

The DNCL Register of Interests was updated.  No conflicts were noted for this meeting.

2.Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last DNCL Board meeting were passed as true and correct.  The Board were advised that a high level International Strategy has been signed off by Council and now work is being done to operationalise it.

3. DNCL Work plan

The DNC spoke to the current work plan.  Reviews of a number of policies will be moved to later in 2014 to accommodate the registrations at the second level project which will be the focus of the first half of the year.

4. .nz update

There was a general update on work being done by the registry and their site.

5. DNC reports

The DNC spoke to her reports for September and October.  It was requested that the statistics table go back 13 months so a monthly comparison with last year, as well as the trend over the year, can be seen.  The DNC will also be confirming with the Communications Advisor the checks performed to get the information provided in respect of domain names in advertising.

6. Registrations at the Second Level

The Board thanked the DNC and staff for the work done on this project.

Meetings with the Registrar Advisory Group, registrars and the registry were reported on and the proposed final policy recommendations presented.  The Board agreed with the proposed approach, noting the existing powers of the DNC to deal with any issues arising.

7. EOY Forecast and 2013/14 Budget

The Board noted the six monthly financial report and the end of year forecast.  The draft budget for 2014-15 was approved.  It was noted that the DNC will represent this to the Board if there are any significant changes resulting from finalising the plans for the registrations at the second level project.

8. Policy reviews – latest consultation

The Board agreed with the DNC’s recommendations that:

  • no changes be made at this time to the AOR policy
  • references to InternetNZ be replaced by Domain Name Commission in Section 5 of the PRI
  • clause 4.2 of the RMC be amended as per the text provided in the paper

9. TPP

The Board agreed that the Chair would write to the New Zealand government outlining its concerns in respect of the domain name clauses in the draft TPP text published.

10. .nz Framework Review

The board noted the Chair’s proposal to document and clarity the .nz Framework, reflecting that some time had passed since this was last reviewed.  They also agreed that it would be beneficial to have regular reviews.

11. Chair update

The Chair updated the board on the 2013 Australian Internet Governance Forum (AUIGF), and speaking to TV3 about the new gTLDs.

It was noted that it may be beneficial to define who from the InternetNZ group was appropriate to speak on different media issues.
The Chair will be looking at the board evaluation schedule in February 2014.

12. Any Other Business

The DNC updated the Board on a meeting she had had with Dot Kiwi Ltd and how DNCL was working with them to ensure that New Zealand registrants were supported when encountering issues with their domain names.

She also updated the Board on her activities with the ICANN's Internet Governance Ecosystem Strategy Panel and thanked them for their support.  .

14. Dates future meetings

Commitments in February mean that the meeting will need to run to time.  The date for the December 2014 meeting was moved to avoid a conflict with the InternetNZ Council meeting.

DNC news